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Image by Gabriel Gurrola

Worship through

When it comes to worship through song, here at WAY Family Church, our top priority is declaring truth. While we enjoy a variety of music genres (you'll find a good blend of traditional hymns and contemporary worship here), our first commitment is always Biblical faithfulness and obedience. What we sing matters. 

Jesus said we are to worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). You will find that we keep things simple as we long to keep the focus on our glorious King.

So come, friend, and join us in singing to our Lord - He is worthy of all honor and praise! 


Here's a playlist of the songs we either currently sing or will soon be singing together during Sunday Gatherings.  We invite you to familiarize yourself with them as you listen throughout the week. 


God commands His people to pray - not as a last resort, but as a first defense. We believe prayer is powerful, not because of our words, but because of the One we are praying to.

It is our desire to cultivate a rich prayer life here at our church, and in each individual life that make up this body. 

We believe God hears us when we pray, that we get to know Him, His will, and His heart when we reach out to Him.

As it is said, "we don't pray to get something, but to know Someone."


Do you need prayer? Would you like to share a praise report? Our prayer team would love to pray for you this week! Just click here to share, and know that your request will be lifted up to our Lord. 

Image by Timothy Eberly

Men's Ministry

The men's ministry of Way Family Church is on mission. This ministry seeks to equip men with the gospel, encourage them in community, and empower them to live faithfully according to the calling we see in scripture.

We get together every third Saturday of the month for a faith building time of fellowship and sharpening conversation over breakfast.

If you'd like to know more about what we do and where we meet, just send us a message here.


We call it, Women of the Way. Our mission is to equip and encourage women to grow in their knowledge of and love for the Lord, so they may walk closely with Him, live for His glory, and share Him with others. 

This is done through Bible study, intentional discipleship, relationship building, fellowship, and practical life skill training.

If you'd like more information about this or would like to become a part of Women of the Way, please contact us.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Image by Priscilla Du Preez


We are a family-oriented church, and worship together every Sunday morning.  For children grades K-5th, we offer Sunday School at 10 AM where we go through The Gospel Project. For ages five and under, we offer a nursery during service at 10:30 AM.   Of course, all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate in the main gathering!


We value having children with us in the service. We believe little hearts can handle the big truths of Scripture.  Jesus welcomed the children to him and we welcome them as well, wiggles and all.  This is their church as much as it is Mom's and Dad's. 


In addition to Sunday services, we have a dedicated children's night filled with games, activities, Bible stories, and music. We call it WAYkids First Friday!  

WAYkids First Friday is held every first Friday of the month at Family Christian Center.  If you'd like more information about our children's ministry, feel free to contact our children's director, here.


WAY Kids Logo_BW_Logo _Logo Color 2.png

Youth Ministry

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20


We're all about building real connections and helping students grow deeper in their faith, not just checking a conversion box. Dive into the Word of God with us every Sunday at 6:30 pm. High school and middle school students, you're invited to be part of the fun and growth – let's do this journey together!"

Image by Jed Villejo
Image by Tobias Mrzyk


Home Groups

We're here to make disciples who make disciples. We believe every Christian should be in a discipling relationship, where they are being taught to grow into the likeness of Christ in their everyday life and given the opportunity to ask questions. 

A disciple is a learner; a follower who receives instruction from another.  In our case, we're disciples of Jesus and His Word.  Disciples of Jesus put Him first in all things, they follow His teachings, bear much fruit, and love one another.

This happens both formally and informally, from one-on-one meetings, to simply experiencing and living life together through home fellowships/groups. 

We are better together.

If you would like to be discipled, or if you'd like information about our home groups, just send us a message here.

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